June 03, 2011

pruning basil - update!

If you recall, as soon as my basil plants had a couple sets of leaves, I began experimenting with pruning and propagation through cuttings.

pruned basil cutting, soon-to-be new basil plant

basil cutting beginning to grow roots
after sitting in water for a couple weeks

I have to say, it was one of my more successful experiments. Propagation was a resounding success. MUCH faster than growing new plants from seed, and the basil plants derived from cuttings somehow ended up looking even more bushy-leafed and vigorous than their parent plants. A couple weeks ago, I planted a whole container of basil using only plants derived from cuttings off my original plants.

They look better in real life, I swear. And they've grown since - I'll upload a newer photo.

It's great that I'm getting so many new plants out of this pruning process, but the initial point of this whole exercise was to create healthy, bushy plants out of my original basil seedlings. Although, I'll admit, many plants were lost to stretches of HORRIBLE weather outdoors, or neglect on my part indoors, I think, on the whole, it's been successful. Here is one of the original seedlings...


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